
This site is maintained by:

S.V. Doel Treffend

The information provided by S.V. Doel Treffend is partly derived from sources that we consider reliable. Despite the fact that S.V. Doel Treffend observes the necessary care in compiling and maintaining this site, S.V. Doel Treffend does not guarantee the correctness and completeness of the information provided. The information provided on this site is only indicative and intended as general information. It does not replace an offer, advice or financial service and, like the calculations, is subject to change at any time without further notice.

Third Party Information, Products and Services.

The website refers, whether or not by means of hyperlinks, to information, products and services provided by third parties. This information has been provided by S.V. Doel Treffend is not assessed for correctness, completeness and applicability. S.V. Doel Treffend is not liable for this. Use of the website is at your own expense and or risk.

Privacy Statement.

We will treat the data entered in the calculations and (information) requests in accordance with the GDPR Privacy Act. All information on the website is for personal use only and may not be copied, multiplied, edited or distributed. More information about this can be found on our privacy page.

On-line communication.

Messages you send to S.V. Doel Treffend by e-mail can be misused or intercepted by others. We advise you not to send us any sensitive and/or secret information by e-mail. If you send messages to us via e-mail or web form, you accept the risk that these messages may be intercepted or otherwise manipulated by a third party.

Exclusion of liability.

S.V. Doel Treffend accepts no liability whatsoever with regard to this website. This also applies to defects, viruses and other imperfections resulting from the access or use of this website.


S.V. Doel Treffend reserves the right to change both the content information and the text of this disclaimer at any time without further notice.