1. Admission procedure
At the first session of in total 3 instruction evenings (every Tuesday evening, see also opening hours) you are asked to complete the registration form and submit it to the secretary, together with three closely resembling passport photos. You will then receive an email from us from the Ministry of Justice regarding the application for the VOG (Statement of Conduct), which you must complete for completing the application.
If you are accepted by us as a candidate-member, you will be notified at short notice. Your name and passport photo will be displayed on the appropriate notice board for six months, so that all members at least know which name belongs to a new face.
During these six months, it will be assessed whether you adhere to the rules or regulations and whether you are doing your best within our club. If there are no objections to full membership after these six months, you will be notified in writing.
If there is no regular attendance because, for example, you had little or no opportunity to visit the association during the candidate period, it can be extended.
After about three months you will be registered with the Royal Dutch Shooting Sports Association (K.N.S.A.), which means that you, as a member, directly are insured during your shooting sports activities. The Association will then send you the magazine "de Schietsport" free of charge. The issuance of a Shooting License is also included. You need this shooting license for competitions inside and outside the association.
During your candidate membership you are not yet a full member. You therefore do not have the right to vote in the general meetings. You are also not allowed to introduce other interested parties to the association. This right is only reserved for members with prior notice.
After so many unfriendly rules, you may be wondering what you are allowed to do here. That depends on whether you already own a shooting weapon - and are therefore familiar with the sport of shooting - or not.
2. Not familiar with shooting sports
Those who are not in possession of a KNSA license are obliged to shoot for short weapons with an air pistol and for long weapons with an air rifle. For this you will use weapons to be made available by our club. During the first three weeks you must follow "mandatory" introduction/instruction on Tuesday evenings where the basics of shooting will be explained to you. In principle, during these three weeks you can only visit the association on the introduction/instruction evenings. In the evenings you will shoot under the supervision of an instructor. After that and if the instructor has given permission, you can visit the association on the normal shooting evenings (Monday and Thursday) and use the shooting range independently.
During the first six months one is obliged to make a minimum of 13 shooting sessions in total. These shooting sessions are recorded in a special booklet that you will receive for this purpose. If, after three months and if you are in possession of a KNSA license, you consider shooting in a different discipline, you will also have to follow instructions for this before being able to go on the range independently.
If you are not in possession of a permit to possess weapons and/or ammunition, you are prohibited from taking ammunition from our building on consequence of expulsion from the association.
3. License holders with own weapon(s)
The first time (every Tuesday evening, see also the opening hours) one must report to a board member or a Range Officer, submitting the leave and the weapon(s) with which one wishes to shoot.
The first shooting is then done under the supervision of an instructor. Only after the approval of this instructor in the appropriate booklet, one may use the lanes independently.
During the traineeship, a minimum of 13 shooting sessions must be made.